Monday 25 April 2011


Our movie trailer takes place in Liverpool Street Station at busy evening peak time. The main protagonist is introduced sitting at an outdoor restaurant table answering his phone casually. After listening to the voice on the phone, the character is startled. The antagonist established as the voice on the other side of the line starts talks in threatening manner telling the main character that he is being watched and that he knows information on his illicit past of cheating, scamming and stealing. He then goes on to order the protagonist to run to a payphone in a specific location elswhere in the Liverpool street area and with this a twisted game of cat and mouse is instigated.

The protagonist runs through Liverpool Street in desperation with the antagonist in hot pursuit. It unclear what the villain's motives are if he is to catch the hero. This creates a great sense of suspense. Eventually the protagonist reaches the payphone destination and picks up the ringing phone. He once again engages in threatening words with the antagonist and becomes emotionally distort. The trailer cuts to black from here and then cuts back to the pay phone hanging from its wire. This is the ending tease of the trailer which entices the audience to want to know what happens next.